We've moved
Hello there. Last year I migrated my blog over to my new website. I
recently deleted all the posts here and have been working to clean up some
older posts ...
Öppenträdgård den 10 Juli kl12-18
Dax att anteckna in i era kalendrar. Jag kommer att ha öppen trädgård den
10 juli kl 12-18 om ni vill så är ni hjärtligt välkomna.
Beskrivning: E...
Reveal: the Completed Hood Canal Cottage!
Hi Friends! I should probably start off with an apology for my unplanned
extended hiatus here. Life has taken many unexpected twists and turns in
the fac...
Helg & roser
Da er fredagen her igjen, og vi er allerede kommet langt uti mai! Denne og
sist uke har det gått mye i hagearbeid, og vi har fått sådd det som skal
Recipe :: Castelvetrano Olive & Celery Salad
A few months back, a dear old friend of mine, Camille Styles, sent me an
email to let me know she was coming up to Seattle, and would I possibly be
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A Day to Celebrate
Every summer, I'll throw a big party. The guest list isn't so big as the
thought and planning that goes into it. I'll call up my inner circle of
The dress
Big news! It looks like dresses with defined waists are back. No longer
will America's women suffer under the tyranny of tentlike dresses, thank
vintage wallpaper
I have always been drawn to vintage wallpaper. The big florals are usually
my favorite. You can click on the number to go to the link where I found
Early autumn
A few eventful months later, and I am slowly beginning to realize autumn is
very near.
I am extremely happy with the beautiful weather we have had and st...
Event - Rebloom on the Roof
If you're in the DC area, there's an amazing charity event taking place May
16th - a cocktail fundraiser for Room to Rebloom! They do amazing work
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you might have missed the memo...
... this blog has moved!! I hope you updated your feed!? If you didn't...
you are missing new posts! The new site is: http://blog.urbangrace.com/
Ett Julklappstips
Tänk att det redan är andra advent , helt galet! Vill tipsa om ett bra
julklappstips på hörlurar från sudio på riktigt så är de Såå bra , vi
bråkar om d...